Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Driving tips

There’s no question that driving is a dangerous activity.  But despite the massive amount of hazardous energy involved in driving, most people are quite comfortable getting behind the wheel without fear. Unless you’ve recently experienced a...
In Michigan, there are several terrible car accidents caused by weather conditions each year. Often, these accidents end in injury or even death. This is why, when you face certain Michigan road conditions, it’s important to know how...

How Scanning Intersections Can Improve Overall Driving Habits

There’s no question that driving is a dangerous activity.  But despite the massive amount of hazardous energy involved in driving, most people are quite...

Michigan Road Conditions (Safe Driving Tips)

In Michigan, there are several terrible car accidents caused by weather conditions each year. Often, these accidents end in injury or even death. This is why,...

Car Damaged By Hail: 3 Simple Steps To Put Your Mind At Ease

There is nothing worse than seeing your car damaged by hail during a hail storm. The continuous pummeling of your investment by hail stones...

Indiana Road Conditions (Safe Driving Tips)

Different road conditions call for different driving skills. And for most of us, driving under the rain, during winter, or through fog and wind can...

Tips for Driving Safely on Halloween

For many, Halloween is an exciting time of year. Ghost stories, hayrides, and lots of sweet treats abound, and it’s easy (and fun!) to...

Iowa Road Conditions (Safe Driving Tips)

Things would be so much simpler if you always drove on a sunny day, on a nicely paved road, with no other motorists. That...

Nevada Road Conditions (Safe Driving Tips)

Have you ever driven through highway work zones? Or during bad weather? What about just at night… While it’s always safer to let bad road conditions pass,...

Our Top 5 Tips for Driving Safely at Night

Nighttime drives are often a pleasant way to wind down from the day. However, driving at night can also be dangerous, especially when compared...

How Understanding the Ds of Driving Can Prevent Fatal Injuries

Driving is arguably one of the most dangerous things we do every day. If you’ve never really thought about it, consider the national awareness...

Driving Safely in Bumper-to-Bumper Traffic

Did you know that according to Nationwide, the average urban commuter is stuck in traffic for 34 hours every year? While bumper-to-bumper traffic can...

6 Distraction Phenomena That Could Be Affecting You Right Now

The following information is an excerpt from our free webinar Focus on Distraction to Improve Safety Outcomes.  Other than distracted driving, or to a lesser...

Mentally Preparing for Driving

While we may think all teens are excited to get behind the wheel and start driving as soon as possible, others might have a...

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